- Here is a PR brochure that tells of some of Linda Runyon’s accomplishments and publicity that may interest you.
- Here’s a page that tells of Linda’s appearance on To Tell the Truth in the 90’s, Episode 142. If any of you can find the footage of the actual episode, we’d surely love to host it here! We may even have a copy in our old VHS tapes if we can find it.
That is all for now!
This disturbs me.
Happy 2012! Here’s to an abundant, natural year!
The tiny mustards, wintercress, dandelions and curly dock line the sidewalks here in a mall area, heralding a spring that is NOT HERE. This is promising to be a foragers paradise! What an abundance for this year’s food source!!!
Good eating from the Wild Food Company, and its staff!!
With love to you all,
Interesting Video!
Speaking of amazing, we have a new spinning globe on the front page that shows every hit in real time. I’m writing this so we remember when we started it.
Even though it is after Thanksgiving, I picked a bagful of malva leaves for 6
meals, or, to dry.
Today I received an ad for a complete off-the-grid living: “30 acres, a 12′ x 26′ cabin and wind powered electric. It comes with a 12′ x 40′ prepared garden plot, fresh water with natural water filtration. Appliances included. 6 miles from shopping & medical, and it’s directly across from the Hiawatha National Forest, Michigan. Only $69,900 complete!”
Contact Dr. Chad Wasson, 630-862-6017
Sounds good. Anyone interested? Call the number!