- Here is a PR brochure that tells of some of Linda Runyon’s accomplishments and publicity that may interest you.
- Here’s a page that tells of Linda’s appearance on To Tell the Truth in the 90’s, Episode 142. If any of you can find the footage of the actual episode, we’d surely love to host it here! We may even have a copy in our old VHS tapes if we can find it.
That is all for now!
The legacy of Linda’s radio shows with host George Whitehurst Berry on his show “Crash, Are you Ready?” is here, in the mp3 format.
Clicking on one in a modern browser will open it in a new tab and play it. If your browser doesn’t do that, you’ll have to right click the link, choose “save as”, “save link as” or other words to that effect, and save the file to your computer. Get an mp3 player and listen as many times as you like.
If this becomes a big bandwidth issue for us, we’ll probably remove the links and make access to them a membership thing, also offering them on CD for the folks still on dialup.
Also, the indexes are available as .txt files (pretty much exactly the text below for each year), and the .zip files will make it easier to download whole years at a time if you’re intent on doing that. Please be courteous of bandwidth — take all you want but ‘eat’ all you take.
2007 — Index — Zip archive
2007-Sep 5, VERY FIRST SHOW! How it began, precautions.
2007-Sep 12, Repeat of Sept 5, 2007
2007-Oct 1, Urban wild food gardens
2007-Oct 25, Being prepared for emergencies
2007-Nov 1, Repeat of Oct 25, 2007
2007-Nov 15, More about Linda, her books, pine tree
2007-Nov 22, Beginnings, pine and balsam, fireweed, hints
2007-Dec 13, Identification walks, urban wild food plots
2008 — Index — Zip archive
2008-Jan 21, Wild foods for children
2008-Jan 22, Linda’s friend, Willy Whitefeather
(no shows in February 2008)
2008-Mar 11, Wild food recipes, 6 spring plants to look for
(no shows in April 2008)
2008-May 12, Edible flowers
2008-May 13, Edible trees and bushes
2008-Jun 30, Suburban food hunts, pine
2008-Jul 1, Stories from Homestead Memories
(no shows in August 2008)
2008-Sep 10, Edible tree bark
2008-Oct 6, Vegetables nutritionally matched to wild foods
2008-Oct 29, Survival soups
2008-Nov 14, Repeat of Jan 22, 2008
2008-Nov 18, How to gather and prepare for storage
2008-Dec 3, Pine, aloe, amaranth, arrowhead, aster
2008-Dec 4, More on arrowhead, berries, birch, bulrush, burdock
2008-Dec 8, Cattail, chamomile, chickweed, chicory, foraging rules
2008-Dec 9, Chicory, beware red stems, clover, daisy, dock
2008-Dec 10, Cholla, balsam
2008-Dec 15, Lambs quarters, meadowsweet
2008-Dec 22, Milkweed, mint, mullein, mustard
2008-Dec 23, Nettle, phragmites, pine
2008-Dec 29, Primrose, plantain, prickly pear
2008-Dec 30, Purslane, Queen Anne’s lace
2009 — Index — Zip archive
2009-Jan 5, Essentials, growing indoors, thistle
2009-Jan 6, Essentials, tumbleweed
2009-Feb 2, Essential Wild Foods
2009-Feb 3, Essential Wild Foods (continued)
(no shows in March 2009)
2009-Apr 1, New DVD
2009-May 6, Edible flowers
2009-May 22, New DVD
2009-May 25, New DVD
2009-Jun 23, More edible flowers
(no shows in July or August 2009)
2009-Sep 7, Lambs Quarters, identifying in season
2009-Sep 21, Fancy menus with free wild food
2009-Sep 28, Pine tree, primrose, wild food hints
2009-Oct 5, More on hints
2009-Oct 19, Final show on hints, aloe
2009-Oct 26, Sundries, survival lessons for children, Part 1
2009-Nov 2, Sundries, survival lessons for children, Part 2
2009-Nov 9, Wild Food survival pack, Part 1
2009-Nov 16, Wild Food survival pack, Part 2
2009-Nov 23, Swamps
2009-Nov 30, Swamp plant uses for your table
2009-Dec 7, Mullein, nettles
2009-Dec 14, Christmas tree and wreath for a year’s use
2009-Dec 21, Nettles
2009-Dec 28, Poisonous look-alikes
2010 — Index — Zip archive
2010-Jan 7, Roots
2010-Jan 14, More roots
2010-Jan 18, Wild food to flour
2010-Jan 26, Wild salad hints
2010-Feb 1, Prickly things in salads
2010-Feb 8, Growing wild salads in your house
2010-Feb 15, Twigs and buds, trees and bushes
2010-Feb 23, Gathering hints
2010-Mar 1, Native American wild food preferences
2010-Mar 8, Bark trees and twigs
2010-Mar 15, Edibles used for medicinal purposes; infusions
2010-Mar 22, Clover, processing and uses
2010-Mar 29, Plantain and chickweed
2010-Apr 5, Curly dock and tumbleweed
2010-Apr 12, Aloe Vera and its uses
2010-Apr 19, Detail for sow thistle, wild lettuce
2010-Apr 26, Detail for wild mustard (yellow, white, black), Shepherd’s Purse
2010-May 3 , Malva Neglecta
2010-May 10, Fireweed on sides of volcanos/burned areas
2010-May 17, The armored holy thistle, milk thistle
2010-May 24, Malva/Milk thistle in depth
2010-May 31, Repeat of May 10, 2010
2010-Jun 1, Saguaro, prickly pear In depth
2010-Jun 7, Queen Ann’s Lace, poisonous look-alikes, hemlocks
2010-Jun 14, How to organize becoming a wild food expert
2010-Jun 21, Wild teas survival style
2010-Jun 28, Wild roses
2010-Jul 6, How to eat your pine tree
2010-Jul 12, Beginning of grass food
2010-Jul 19, Grasses continued
2010-Jul 26, Substitutes
2010-Aug 2, Lamb’s Quarters in detail
2010-Aug 9, Hints to save money
2010-Aug 16, Which plants to get before winter comes
2010-Aug 23, Sorrels and their uses
2010-Aug 30, Evening Primrose in detail
2010-Sep 6, Rebrodcast – Willy Whitefeather
2010-Sep 13, Eating cactus
2010-Sep 20, Survival Backpack of wild food
2010-Oct 4, Plants harvested in the fall before snow
2010-Oct 11, Gourmet meals with wild food
2010-Oct 18, Roots, Part One
2010-Oct 25 Roots, Part Two
2010-Nov 1, Hints from Homestead Memories
2010-Nov 8, Showing the worldwide plants
2010-Nov 22, Odds and ends for winter survival – vegetarian turkey day
2010-Nov 29, Launch of new website, plants above the snow
2010-Dec 6, Grasses, worldwide
2010-Dec 13, A tour of Linda’s fridge, freezer and dry storage closet
2010-Dec 20, Rules & tools for collecting, preparing and using cactus
2010-Dec 27, Many more uses for cactus
2011 — Index — Zip archive
2011-Jan 3, Pigweed – Amaranth varieties
2011-Jan 10, How to use Sorrels – wood, sheep and field (red) sorrels
2011-Jan 17, How to eat a tree – details
2011-Jan 24, More on trees, Maple, Pine, Balsam, Beach and Birch
2011-Jan 31, Special rebroadcast – True cause of MS, Alzheimer, Autism etc – Part 1
Part 2 of Dr Woodrow C Monte’s interview (6/10/2010)
2011-Feb 7, Swamp foraging
2011-Feb 14, More on swamping
2011-Feb 21, Save money by subtituting wild plants
2011-Feb 28, Burdock, Milkweed and early spring pickin’s
2011-Mar 7, The incredible, edible Rose
2011-Mar 14, Using the Wild food in your own yard
2011-Mar 21, Wild food in your own yard (continued)
2011-Mar 28, Protein rich wild foods
2011-Apr 4, First Aid using wild herbs
2011-Apr 11, First Aid (part 2)
2011-Apr 18, Meatless protein in the wild
2011-Apr 25, Wild foods high in fat
2011-May 2, Common lawn plants – 12 steps from lawn to food
2011-May 9, Preparing a meal from wild foods
2011-May 16, Grasses and grains
2011-May 23, Identification walks- rebroadcast of 12/13/07 show
2011-May 30, no program
2011-Jun 6, Edible flowers
2011-Jun 13, Jams and Jellies
2011-Jun 20, no program
2011-Jun 27, Oil, vinegar and pickles
2011-Jul 4, no program
2011-Jul 11, Collecting and using grains and grasses
2011-Jul 18, More on grasses
2011-Jul 25, Wild substitutes for common vegetables
2011-Aug 1, Sorrel, cautions and culinary creations
2011-Aug 8, Rebroadcast of 2008 Willy Whitefeather interview
2011-Aug 15, Save money using the wild food all around you
2011-Aug 22, Trees for food and more as described in Linda’s new book.
2011-Aug 29, Seed season – collecting winter nutrition
2011-Sep 5, no program
2011-Sep 12, Eat the Trees!, 6 common trees you can use food
2011-Sep 19, Edible parts of trees and shrubs
2011-Sep 26, no program
2011-Oct 3, no program
2011-Oct 10, no program
2011-Oct 17, Five nutritious food plants you’ll always find in your lawn
2011-Oct 24, Filarie, identification and uses and cautions – Wild food in Texas
2011-Oct 31, no program
2011-Nov 7, High energy Wild foods
2011-Nov 14, Edible flowers
2011-Nov 21, Helpful hints from Homestead Memories
2011-Nov 28, Growing wild food indoors
2011-Dec 5, More on growing wild food indoors – New Wild Food ID Book!
2011-Dec 12, no program
2011-Dec 19, no program
2011-Dec 26, Relevance of wild food – worldwide – indoors and out
2012 — Index — Zip archive
2012-Jan 2, Three nutritious plants – Malva, Milk Thistle and Nettle
2012-Jan 9, Many uses for Red clover, sorrell
2012-Jan 16, Nutrition, rules, sap and milk gum, seeds
2012-Jan 23, Save money with wild foods – Milkweed, crabgrass
2012-Jan 30, Homestead Memories Survival tips – milkweed Do’s and don’ts
2012-Feb 6, Wild sweets and sugar substitutes
2012-Feb 13, Repeat of Oct 25, 2007
2012-Feb 21, Foraging and using grasses
2012-Feb 27, Many uses of twigs – identification walk
2012-Mar 5, Versatility and processing of red clover
2012-Mar 12, Processing clover into food
2012-Mar 19,Repeat of Sep 10,2008 Edible tree bark
2012-Mar 26, Many ways to prepare the wild plants in your yard
2012-Apr 2, no program
This disturbs me.
We are announcing a free video channel featuring Wild Food Expert Linda Runyon!
One video is complete and there are many more in the pipeline, so go to the Official Wild Food Company YouTube channel and subscribe to be notified as new videos are released.
Visit our new YouTube Channel & SUBSCRIBE!
While you’re there, please watch our first video (or watch it below). It was made from one of Linda’s excellent radio shows with George Whitehurst Berry. The information is timeless, and is often not found in Linda’s books & materials.
Episode 1 of “Linda Runyon Radio” is titled “Teaching Wild Food to Children” and serves as a nice introduction to wild food.
After you’ve watched, please go to the YouTube page and subscribe, like (with the thumbs up) and leave a nice comment to start the ball rolling right. Share it on Facebook if you have an account.
It’s a labor of love for us, and you can help us reach a wider audience the way many of you found Linda — through her excellent radio presentations.
Please add us to your blogs, share the video links on the forums you frequent and generally share it with the world-– people are starving in places where they are walking on their food.
Thank you!
The OfTheField.com team on behalf of Linda Runyon
PS- Don’t forget to ‘like’ the video and subscribe! Thanks ;-
We have changed the way we get our newsletter for most of the people on our list. We had to update our software to keep our costs down (the short story,) but this has had the funky effect of stripping off the attachment from the email for folks who were already signed up.
We are letting the attachment stay in the email because it works for new signups as far as we can tell, but most of you will be following a link to the PDF and downloading it for safe keeping. Much of our readership has no experience saving it this way, so here’s some instructions. There are a lot of variables here.
If you have a web based email program, the link will open in a new page if your browser (Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Chrome, etc.) has a PDF plugin installed (shows the PDF in a browser window) and display it after downloading a copy. The copy is on your computer at this point in the temporary files, but saving it is another thing. If you just read it and close it, it goes away and you would have to download it again to read it again. That’s expensive for us, so here’s what to do:
RIGHT CLICK the link in the email and choose “Save target as” or “Save link as” or “Save as” and tell it where to save and you are done! The right click command varies by browser and computer type (Windows, Apple / Linux) but the effect is the same: You open a menu and save it. Here’s a tutorial on some ways to right click for Mac folks.
If you were excited to get your newsletter and now it’s already open in your browser, all is not lost. A simple control / command + “S” will bring up a save dialog in most cases.
Alternately, you can also hover your mouse in the lower right of the window and see the Adobe Reader icons pop up and save it from there (the dialog still comes up.)
If your email program is not web-based:
- Click the link in the email (or copy it and paste it in a browser address bar if you get text-based email.)
- Follow the instructions above to save.
That’s it! Enjoy The WILD TIMES newsletters.
Linda met Sean Croxton through Holly Drake of WildBlessings.com, and you can hear the interview here. It tells about how one would go about incorporating wild food into the paleo and JERF diets.
“Paleo” is short for “Paleolithic” here, and “JERF” is an acronym for “Just Eat Real Food”. From the description of the interview:
“Wild foods don’t seem to get enough attention in our Real Food community!
“Linda Runyon of www.ofthefield.com joins Sean in her Real Food Summit interview to share her story of living off the land for 13 years.
“Linda also discusses her Foraging Rules, how wild foods can supplement common store-bought vegetables, and the nutritional benefits of foods that may very well be growing in your own backyard!”
More information about these diets can be found at Sean’s site, UndergroundWellness.com.
For those of you who have an interest in this sort of thing, the entire Real Food Summit was captured to the same style of audio / slide as Linda’s interview, and the whole thing is available at the Real Food Summit online.
It is a paid thing, but people who are into this consider the information to be a great value.
The 27 presentations are from many experts besides Linda:
Genetically Modified Foods: What the People Want to Know
Jeffrey Smith – Author, Seeds of Deception
Real Food Defined
Joel Salatin – Founder, Polyface Farms
The Role of Fish and Seafood in the Real Food Diet
Chris Kresser, L.Ac – Integrative Health Practitioner
The Historical Truth about Raw Fruit Consumption…
David Getoff – Board-Certified Clinical Nutritionist
Eating Whole Foods for Body, Mind, and Soul
Paul Chek – Founder, C.H.E.K. Institute
The Bountiful Benefits of Bone Broths
Sarah Pope – Blogger, The Healthy Home Economist
Weston Price on Primitive Wisdom
Chris Masterjohn – Blogger & Doctoral Candidate
Pottenger’s Prophecy: The Powerful Impact of Food on Epigenetics
Gray Graham, N.T.P. – Author, Pottenger’s Prophecy
Real Food for Fertility
Donielle Baker – Author, Naturally Knocked Up
The Role of Raw Milk in Rebuilding the Broken, Depressed American Immune System
Mark McAfee – Founder, Organic Pastured Dairy
Reviving the Tradition of Fermentation
Jenny McGruther – Blogger, Nourished Kitchen
Breaking through the Hype: Five Simple Questions…
Catherine Shanahan, MD – Author, Deep Nutrition and Food Rules
When Animals Eat Right, You Can, Too
John Wood – Farmer, US Wellness Meats
Superfoods: Why You Should Add Them to Your Diet
Yuri Elkaim – Blogger & Author, Eating for Energy
Real Food and the Nutritional Ignorance that Caused Obesity
Zoe Harcombe – Author, The Obesity Epidemic
Homo Carnivorus: What We Are Designed to Eat
Barry Groves, Ph.D.
Why You Should Take Fermented Cod Liver Oil
Kelly the Kitchen Kop – Blogger & Author
Cure Tooth Decay: Remineralize Cavities and Repair Your Teeth Naturally With Good Food
Rami Nagel – Author, Cure Tooth Decay
Fat and Happy: How Traditional Fats Affect Well-Being
Kim Schuette – Certified GAPS Practitioner
Pedicide: How to Feed Your Children So They Don’t Become Victims of Our Modern Food Culture
Pam Schoenfeld – Registered Dietitian
Real Food and Weight Regulation
Matt Stone – Blogger, 180 Degree Health
Micronutrient Deficiency: The Missing Link in the Fight Against Obesity?
Mira & Jayson Calton – Co-Authors, Naked Calories
Real Food Digestive Troubleshooting
Jordan Reasoner and Steven Wright – Bloggers & Authors
Solving Adrenal Burnout
Pam Killeen – Author, Addiction: The Hidden Epidemic
Empowering Fertility
Kaayla T. Daniel, Ph.D. – Author, The Whole Soy Story
We Are What We Eat: How What We Eat Affects Everything Within and Around Us
Aaron Lucich – Film Producer & Director
Nourishing Wisdom: Using Ancient Philosophies to Create Balance in the Body
Christa Orecchio – Clinical Nutritionist
Food Synergy: Preventing Disease and Enhancing Your Health with Nutrient Pairing
Jason Bosley-Smith – Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist
Chia: The Healing Benefits of an Ancient Superfood
Keri Brooks – Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist
Eat Real Food: Culture Wars and Reality
Scott Kustes – Blogger, Real Food University
Real Food for Healthy Families
Sheri Fogarty – Mom & Blogger, Moms for Safe Food
Sex, Sugar, and Hair Loss
Danny Roddy – Blogger & Author, Hair Like a Fox
There are also a ton of extras offered, so much so that they add it up to a $400 value for sale with a 30 day guarantee. We think it’s a good movement, so we support Sean’s work. Check it out if you’re interested.
Happy 2012! Here’s to an abundant, natural year!
The tiny mustards, wintercress, dandelions and curly dock line the sidewalks here in a mall area, heralding a spring that is NOT HERE. This is promising to be a foragers paradise! What an abundance for this year’s food source!!!
Good eating from the Wild Food Company, and its staff!!
With love to you all,
It’s here! I have waited a long time for this new IDENTIFICATION Guide of the plants in the The Essential Wild Food Guide.
Many new pictures that are so clear and crisp, color is fantastic and the plants are jumping off the page!
Use this Identification book along with The Essential Wild Food Guide and if you wish, along with the card deck in the field. Easy to find the plant, easy to see more details and color is just exquisite!
I am thrilled to add this to our wild food products thus adding even more safety to identification of your backyard plants. A wonderful tool to use with the DVD also, you teachers and parents. I wish I had such a tool during my many classes for the last 30 years!
Happy foraging,
Linda Runyon
The smell from pine goes so deep in my memory it seems to have been with me forever. The sounds of the wind in the needles is one my ears strain to hear in each and every gust of wind. It seems I was born under a tree when I was taken to the Adirondacks when I was so very, very little. Three months of age and parked on a blanket or carriage under the trees’ arms, trees have always been ALIVE to me!
The story had been written many times when the Adirondack night blew winds causing temperatures to dive to 30 or 40 degrees BELOW zero, and all the canning jars burst and I was completly out of my normal food supply for the winter. I started my usual prayer with deep desperation– I asked God,” OK now that the food is gone, what do I do next?” Through my fear, I always received an answer in words typed across the forefront of my brain sorta above my eyes. There was no sound to the answer, just emphatic letters:. WHAT DID THE IROQUOIS DO FOR CENTURIES IN FROZEN WINTER? I was off and ploughing through deep snow in the woods for a pine branch. That was my first scraping of bark and taste of chewy-when-hot, stir-fried with garlic salt…Shredded bark!!
Parts of trees, such as the frozen buds caught in winter’s grip, were eaten in more than one way that winter, and I added other types of trees along the way. Frozen sap from balsam and pine became the CANDY for our delicacy in the winter.
In spring, the answers came faster than I could cook them. We ate raw throughout our working day. Thus, the tiny leaves and buds of MAPLE, BEECH, BIRCH and the fruits of the trees & how to use them — NOW, the world was complete for me.
I WAS at peace with my whole enviornment. Below GROUND, ON GROUND and NOW WAY ABOVE GROUND, the supply was ENDLESS, and still is for all of us. I knew then how my predecessors made it through the winter.
I hope you ENJOY Eat the Trees! I know I enjoyed living the homestead memories of tree food!